Is That Period Body Really My Body?
Isn't it perplexing how, month after month, our menstruating bodies pass through these (somewhat) predictable cyclical and colorful changes, yet they so often seem to present to us as such a surprise?
"Ugh, why am I so irritable/ravenous/tired/bloated/sad/low/nauseous/all of the above?
Oooof! It's that time of the month—it's my cycle’s fault."
Sound familiar? Do you wonder if our resistance to the more unwanted shifts in our cycles makes it all the more difficult to accept them? Maybe the habit of focusing on the negative side effects of menstruation and blaming the body for X, Y, and Z also results in forgetting to acknowledge and bask in the highs and beauty that also come with it—those days when you feel on top of the world, bursting with energy. When your libido is high, your jeans fit perfectly, or your breasts look fantastic. Do we thank and reward our complex and hard-working insides for those lovely peaks, or are we consumed with focusing on the lows of our physiology as a weakness?
As the co-founder of a menstrual health and wellness company, I often feel an extra level of pressure to accept myself just the way I am—particularly given our messaging and values at Looni. The truth is, I'd be lying if I said that loving who I am, in all my entirety, all the damn time comes easily. Although I've made a conscious effort to be more gentle with myself over the past couple of years, it's easier said than done. As much as I try to have compassion for the critical demon that lives inside my head—aware it most likely stems from years of social conditioning and patriarchal systems—it too often gets the better of me.
Do you ever catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror a day or two before your period or glance down at your naked body in the shower and wonder, "Who the hell does this body belong to? What happened to ME?" I know I experience it all the time. I am aware that in my case, due to having endometriosis, my menstrual symptoms can be more severe than others—extreme endo belly, water retention, etc. Without exaggeration, my breasts can easily go up two cup sizes before my period, and I also seem to carry some extra weight right around my middle area. It's definitely been a recurring theme for long enough, yet, I'm still utterly dumbfounded at how drastic the shift is from my menstrual phase bod to that in my follicular phase—the stage of your cycle when your body is preparing to release an egg. I like to joke that it looks like I've had breast implants during that time of the month. I was once on vacation in Barbados, and a very nice man who I used to buy my fruit from in the morning asked me when my baby was due. Yep. The fact that I was very much not pregnant but rather awfully bloated resulted in quite the awkward interaction.
This feels like an important place to say that I'm well aware this is somewhat of a superficial moan, but how we feel about ourselves, both physically and energetically, really does count for a lot. Regardless of our weight, size, shape, style, or career, low self-esteem can affect us on many levels, and I think the lows that commonly accompany PMS often compound these feelings around our physical selves.
The disparity between the hormonal fluctuations that manifest at different phases of the month is like comparing apples and oranges.
I kid you not; I wake up on day five of my period and feel as though a huge, heavy weight has been lifted—literally and figuratively.
I look down at my breasts, which have reverted to their normal C-cup size (see you next month DDs), and I'm actually able to see my lady parts again 👋 because the belly that once was has now vanished. Oh, did I mention the heavenly surge of oomph that is suddenly running through me? "Hello, summer cycle phase. How u doin'?"
While finding optimal balance in our hormone levels and their evolution throughout our monthly cycles is the ultimate goal, accepting and honoring our bodies’ reactions on the journey to equilibrium shouldn't be disregarded. As tempting as it can be to resent the largely negative symptoms of PMS—telling ourselves that we are flawed, that we are gross, that we are broken—only hurts us further. I wonder if we did less of this and more nurturing of ourselves as if we were our own children—talking to ourselves kindly, being patient with the difficult stages, paying attention to the wonder it means to be a human, a human with periods, showering our accomplishments with praise—if the ride might be an easier burden to bear.
During those moments of frustration, when it's your best friend's big birthday or wedding, an anticipated date, or an important work event, and your period is bringing that out-of-whack physical energy in, I try to remember "there is nothing permanent except change.1"
We are beings designed to ebb and flow; it's important to remember it is not a weakness to experience and acknowledge fluctuations in how we feel and look.
Everything around us is constantly evolving—be it the seasons, nature, our lives, or our dreams—and avoiding getting attached to any one state is a helpful tool when it comes to riding the crimson wave that we know to be menstruation.
Want to connect with others and deepen the conversation around this and other menstrual-related topics? Join our online community, Looni Cycle Sanity, an inclusive and intimate shame-free space to become more in tune with your cycle.
🧑⚕️ from Looni’s medical adviser, Dr Stephanie Colantonio
Our hormones are powerful messengers that direct the intricate orchestras of various body functions. We often discuss how estrogen and progesterone affect ovulation, menstruation, and fertility. However, sometimes we overlook their roles in digestion, metabolism, cognitive function, and so on. Mild cyclical changes in weight or breast size and sensation are normal. On the other hand, when discomfort affects quality of life, it is time to take a closer look at what may be the root of the concern.
Several factors seem to contribute to bloating before your bleed. It is complex, and we're still learning how this process works!
After ovulation, progesterone levels rise during the luteal phase. This hormone has been shown to slow down digestion, often leading to symptoms like constipation, gas, and bloating2. But this doesn't mean we want lower progesterone levels. This calming hormone does wonders for our sleep, metabolism and, of course, prepares the uterine lining for potential embryo implantation. Instead, it is helpful to embrace gut-friendly foods that support your digestive fire.
One study demonstrated that inflammation, as measured by the blood marker c-reactive protein, was associated with premenstrual mood changes, abdominal cramping, weight gain/bloating, and breast tenderness in one study3. We look at the whole person to lower inflammation in the body, body-mind-spirit.
Feeling more stressed? Cortisol levels from heightened physical or emotional stress can lead to fluid retention4.
Some research has shown that premenstrual fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone also affect hormones in the kidneys that regulate water and salt retention56. When we hold onto more water, we feel puffy. Hopefully, research shines more light on this observation.
Excess circulating estrogen is one hypothesized factor for cyclical tender, swollen breasts7. Balancing estrogen with a holistic lens includes nutrition, environmental toxins, stress management, and more.
I love that Chelsea raises the point about accepting the ebbs and flows of our body changes. Like many of us gain some weight in the fall and winter, it's okay that we do the same in our inner menstrual seasons. When my clothes fit tighter before my period, what do I do? Wear loose, flowy dresses or skirts that allow my belly to breathe and expand. Some days it is still an active practice to love my body exactly as it is, regardless of the season. In those moments, mindfulness practices around acceptance, loving-kindness, and compassion are the medicine.
With symptoms like premenstrual bloating, we must remember that what works for one unique person may not be as effective for another. Here are some starting points:
Examine hormone levels. If we do identify a hormone imbalance, we can further target a treatment plan.
Stay hydrated! This means about 2L water per day for adults. Add lemon and a dash of salt or trace mineral drops for electrolytes.
Eat potassium rich foods like banana, green leafy veggies, sweet potato, avocado, beets.
Supplement with magnesium.
Stick to nutrient-dense whole foods. Avoid processed foods, especially sugars.
Drink nourishing, cleansing, and digestive-supportive herbs like Nettles, Burdock, Dandelion. These guys help you pee out extra water weight!
Rest when your body asks you to slow down.
Move with gentle exercise.
We could write a whole article of approaches to breast tenderness, but gentle massage and castor oil packs are a beautiful place to start.
Wald A, Van Thiel DH, Hoechstetter L, Gavaler JS, Egler KM, Verm R, Scott L, Lester R. Gastrointestinal transit: the effect of the menstrual cycle. Gastroenterology. 1981 Jun;80(6):1497-500. PMID: 7227774.
Gold EB, Wells C, Rasor MO. The Association of Inflammation with Premenstrual Symptoms. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2016 Sep;25(9):865-74. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2015.5529. Epub 2016 May 2. PMID: 27135720; PMCID: PMC5311461.
Woods NF, Lentz MJ, Mitchell ES, Shaver J, Heitkemper M. Luteal phase ovarian steroids, stress arousal, premenses perceived stress, and premenstrual symptoms. Res Nurs Health. 1998 Apr;21(2):129-42. doi: 10.1002/(sici)1098-240x(199804)21:2<129::aid-nur4>;2-l. PMID: 9535405.
Giersch GEW, Charkoudian N, Stearns RL, Casa DJ. Fluid Balance and Hydration Considerations for Women: Review and Future Directions. Sports Med. 2020 Feb;50(2):253-261. doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01206-6. PMID: 31641955.
Stachenfeld NS. Sex hormone effects on body fluid regulation. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2008 Jul;36(3):152-9. doi: 10.1097/JES.0b013e31817be928. PMID: 18580296; PMCID: PMC2849969.
Smith RL, Pruthi S, Fitzpatrick LA. Evaluation and management of breast pain. Mayo Clin Proc. 2004 Mar;79(3):353-72. doi: 10.4065/79.3.353. PMID: 15008609.